Letter to the Editor: Leo Campbell

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Editors Note: This column was originally published in the Dec. 13, 2023 issue of the Chronicle Progress.

To the editor: 

Please accept my compliments for the changes which have been made in the format and delivery of the Millard County Chronicle Progress over the last year.

I have been especially impressed with the news articles and the reporting of major events occurring in the county. The news has been timely and well reported. 

Reading the most recent issue, however, gave me a concern I wish to bring to your attention. 

In the November 29, 2023 issue, the leading statements not he front page of the both “news” articles (in my opinion) were blatant and undisguised efforts to editorialize and inject a personal opinion into the news report. 

Article One Quote: “A majority of Millard County electorate chose to saddle taxpayers with $4.5 million in additional financing costs after rejecting a general obligation bond issue…” 

Article Two Quote: “Millard County voters setting $4.5 million of their own money on fire was not the only takeaway from the county’s 2023 general election.” 

My intention is not to argue for or against the statement made to open the news stories. It is to express disappointment in reading a news article that has been editorialized and slanted by an opinion and conjecture. 

An explanation of the calculations, intentions, and involved math of hate general obligation bond was presented and explained clearly and plainly in the article. The underhanded criticism and demeaning of the voters who voted their conscience and maybe demonstrated misunderstanding of the calculations and reasons for the general obligation bond and voted against the bond was uncalled for in the news article. Editorial pages would be much more appropriate for that type of insult and belittlement. 

There is a reason for so many news outlets in the media today. Everyone in the society can find the one they want to watch because there is one or more out there that editorializes every news story with an opinion that they can accept and agree with. As time goes on people become more and more divided and hate grows between what should have been friends watching the news but become bitter enemies after being subjected to more and more decisive and dividing “news” stories. There is a reason many are turning off the news, and I wills suggest with no scientific or even anecdotal evidence, that this may be one of the reasons fewer people are reading newspapers. 

I’m disappointed that we are subject to this in our small town county newspaper. 

Voting is a scared rite in our society. You have every right to criticize and belittle my vote. Your freedom to speak is also a sacred rite. Save your criticism and belittlement for an editorial page and let me read the news that is just news and not your conjectured opinion of the result, outcome, effect, or finality of the news story. 

Thank you for the opportunity to vent. 


—Leo J Campbell 
